Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thoughtfulness Thursday: Mother's Day

I know that Mother's Day is a celebration for us that are mothers, but it can also be day of great sadness for many women that cannot become mothers. I have many friends that have great sadness in their attempts to become a mother and I know that Mother's Day is such a hard day for them.

I also know that Mother's Day isn't just a day to celebrate biological mothers, but also a day to celebrate those that have filled the role as a mother-- aunts, cousins, sisters, grandmothers, friends. I was thinking about one of our good friends and how she doesn't have her own biological children, but she has a child that she has spent a lot of time with (more than half of his life). She has helped to raise up that child in the ways of the Lord and she has spent countless hours making sure that he has a better life. There is nothing on paper that says he is hers, but he is. It makes me think that her job as a mother is much harder than mine. My child is my own flesh and blood and I know where he gets certain traits from. It's hard to get too upset when you are raising your own child, but when it's someone else's (as in her case) I know it is hard to have the outside world influencing his upbringing. I am grateful to people like her...that have the patience and the heart to take care of sweet children.

For me, Mother's Day reminds me of what a gift my sweet child is and what a gift it is to be a mother. I am thankful that E made me a mother...and I hope and pray that he will remember how much of a gift he is for as long as he lives.

I am also thankful for my mom (if you missed my post on Daughters Be Good to Your Mother check it out). My mom isn't just my mom, but my best friend. She is there every time I need her. She is also an amazing grandmother and spends a ton of time teaching E. I know that E will be a better man because my mom has been such a big part of his life.

I know that Mother's Day is technically a "Hallmark Holiday" but I think it's important to set aside time to be good to your mom-- or any woman that has had a huge impact on you.

I hope that your Mother's Day was blessed and that you got to spend it with someone you love. Here are just a few pictures from mine :)
