Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thoughtfulness Thursday: My Age

I've never revealed my age on the blog...not because I care if you know how old I am, because I really don't. I guess it's just not something that has come up. Well, without further ado, I'm 27 (though sometimes I still tell people I'm 23...weird I know). When I came across this article, I thought it was interesting because it's about my age. You never see anything written about people that are 27. Most articles are about 30 year olds or college graduates...27 is just somewhere in the middle (though I'm nearing 30 every day).

So, the article talks about that at 27 is when both men and women say they feel the best about their bodies. I'm not sure I agree with this...I think 26 was my year for this, but I do think people in their mid/late twenties are much more secure than younger (and a bit older) folks.

Why 26 you ask? Well, 26 is when I started back into fitness after having E. I grew up dancing, was in great shape most of my life (okay except for the time when I was injured and gained a ton of weight), got pregnant and had E...then like most moms didn't feel like I had time to work out. It took me two years to say, "okay, I'm going to start working out again AND spend time for myself." Best decision I ever made (okay, not the best decision ever, but the best decision for me physically). Running 4 times a week gave me a mental mommy break (and it gave me a break from work). Running also gave me more confidence because I was losing weight (I had lost my pregnancy weight but was not in shape). I was finally toning up and feeling a lot better about myself. Physical exercise helped me mentally and physically tremendously.

The article goes on to say, "we tend to relax about our looks and those of others as we age (good to know there's more to life than being ridiculously beautiful, I guess). On the other hand, millenials believe themselves to be in the prime of their looks but are too nervous to enjoy it: Sixty-nine percent of 16- to 34-year-olds say they regularly worry about their looks. Lastly, people ages 50 to 68 said they worried less about basically everything—appearances, finances, health, relationships, family, or personal success—than younger respondents."

I think the basis of this article is that it's okay to feel good about yourself. If you're nearing 27, then enjoy it...if you're past 27, enjoy that too. Feel good about yourself (and find some way to do that).

I think this quote sums it up well, "Life happens, and the emphasis on appearance tends to diminish when people get older and they find other things in their lives where they get nourishment, enjoyment, and happiness," body image expert Sarah Maria Dresibach told Today.



  1. You look great!! I always think being healthy is the most important (although I worry about my weight and looks on a daily basis.) I always thought 27 was a great year!

    1. You're sweet! Thank you! I think when you become a mom, you worry that you don't look good anymore...but I really do feel healthy and happy with where I am :)
